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ODataModel aggregation's getBindingContext() returns undefined

I have a sap.m.VBox control, of which the items aggregation is bound to an ODataModel dataset, and as such is being populated by a sap.m.HBox template control containing multiple sap.m.Input controls (which are bound to the respective ODataModel's dataset properties)

In code:

<VBox items="{/My_ODatamodel_Dataset}">
            <Input value="{property1} change="doSomething"/>
            <Input value="{property2} change="doSomething"/>
            <Input value="{property3} change="doSomething"/>

(the OData dataset has a filter applied, but I left it out for brevity)

The rendered result will thus be a VBox with multiple rows of HBoxes (one for each entry in my OData set) containing the input fields for these entries.

In my controller, I have the doSomething method:

doSomething: function(oEvent) {
    var oCurrentContext  = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext();
    var sSomeHiddenValue = oCurrentContext().getProperty("property4");
    // continue to do something special with hidden property 4 

However, to my surprise oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext() returns undefined...

I suppose I'm overlooking something here, but it does work when using a JSON model instead of an OData model...

What I'm trying to achieve, is to get a property value from the current entry in which I'm making a change. Is there a different way of doing so using an OData model?

Any help is highly appreciated!


  • with the ODataModel you need to get the properties of the context from the Model, try

      var oModel = oEvent.getSource().getModel();
      var oContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext();
      var sSomeHiddenValue = oModel.getProperty("property4", oContext);

    hth jsp