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Import PostgreSQL dump on OSX

I've only used MySQL before. Postgres is a little different for me. I'm trying to use the for OSX. I have a database dump from our development server, and I want to create the correct user roles and import the database to my local machine so I can do development at home (can't access the database remotely).

I think I've created the user. \du shows the appropriate user with the CreateDB permission. Then I used \i ~/dump.sql which seems to have imported the database. However when I use \l to list databases, it doesn't show up. So then I tried logging in with psql -U username, but then it tells me "FATAL: database username does not exist." Is that not the right switch for login? It's what the help said.

I'm getting frustrated with something simple so I appreciate any help. With the, how can I create the necessary users with passwords and import the database? Thanks for any help!


  • It sounds like you probably loaded the dump into the database you were connected to. If you didn't specify a database when you started psql it'll be the database named after your username. It depends a bit on the options used with pg_dump when the dump file was created though.


     psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1
     CREATE DATABASE mynewdb TEMPLATE template0 OWNER whateverowneruser;
     \c mynewdb
     \i /path/to/dump/file.sql

    Personally, I recommend always using pg_dump -Fc to create custom-format dumps instead of SQL dumps. They're a lot easier to work with and pg_restore is a lot nicer than using psql for restoring dumps.