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Regarding a simple installer for COM dlls

i have been using Installshiled for installing this SDK, but this is giving us lot of troubles sometimes with users accounts etc...but my SDK has few com components and few regular dlls and help files.

my tasks are very few and i don't think i need to use this costly software Installation: 1)copy the dlls into a specific folder 2)register the COM dlls 3)Add few registry entries 4)copy help files

uninstall: 1) unregister all COM dlls 2) delete all dlls including regular dlls 3) remove registry entries 4) delete help files

can anyone suggest any free installer where i can do the above things easily


  • This pretty routine stuff - all installers do this basic stuff. If it's WiX (which is free), use Heat to extract the registration, install the files, and the rest just works. Your question is too broad to answer, so here's the WiX tutorial.

    Installs are generally more complicated and more work than people expect.

    Apart from WiX maybe the Visual Studio you use will have either InstallShield LE or the new VS 2012/2013 installer extension.