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Add delay to code execution in C++

Say I need to call a function with 2 seconds delay. In cocos2d-x you can use actions:

auto action = Sequence::create(
        [&]() {
            // here is the lambda function that does whatever you want after 2 seconds


But in order to run the action you need a Node, which in not always available. There are classes that have nothing to do with the Node. So I wonder what is the cross-platform way of adding delay to code execution in C++11?


  • You can use the std::this_thread::sleep_for function added in the C++11 threading library:

    std::chrono::seconds duration( 2 ); 
    std::this_thread::sleep_for( duration ); // Sleep for 2 seconds.

    This will cause the current thread to halt execution for the duration specified in the duration object.