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How can I use the Graphviz macro in XWiki 2.0 syntax?

The XWiki FAQ gives an example for XWiki 1.0 syntax:

{graphviz:type=dot}digraph G {Hello->world}{graphviz}

My XWiki is properly set up to display this. But I'm not able to translate this into XWiki 2.0 syntax. I tried this

{{graphviz type=dot}} ... {{/graphviz}}

and other variations, but the best I got was about "graphviz" not being a valid macro.

As soon as I switch back the document format to the old syntax, it works, so I assume this is not some kind of misconfiguration problem.

What's the correct syntax?


  • I am having the same issue.

    Doesn't look like it is yet supported. Check out their Jira log: