I tried to draw a decision tree in Jupyter Notebook this way.
But I didn't make it in the right way and got the following error message.
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-65-45733bae690a> in <module>()
----> 2 mglearn.plots.plot_animal_tree()
~\Desktop\introduction_to_ml_with_python\mglearn\plot_animal_tree.py in plot_animal_tree(ax)
5 def plot_animal_tree(ax=None):
----> 6 import graphviz
7 if ax is None:
8 ax = plt.gca()
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'graphviz
So I downloaded Graphviz Windows Packages and installed it.
And I added the PATH installed path(C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin) to USER PATH and (C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe) to SYSTEM PATH.
And restarted my PC. But it didnt work. I still can't get it working.
So I searched over the internet and got another solution that, I can add the PATH in my code like this.
import os
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin'
But it didn't work. So I do not know how to figure it out now.
I use the Python3.6 integrated into Anacode3.
And I ALSO tried installing graphviz via PIP like this.
pip install graphviz
BUT it still doesn't work.
Hope someone can help me, sincerely.
in Anaconda install
This will fix your problem