I have a GraphViz directed graph, that looks in a simplified version like this
digraph g {
node [shape=record]
subgraph "cluster_R" {
"R_in" [label="in|<in_0> 0"]
"R_out" [label="out|<out_0> 0"]
"R_in" -> "R_out" [style=invis]
subgraph "cluster_D" {
"D_in" [label="in|<in_0> 0"]
"D_out" [label="out|<out_0> 0|<out_1> 1"]
"D_in" -> "D_out" [style=invis]
subgraph "cluster_P" {
"P_in" [label="in|<in_0> 0|<in_1> 1"]
"P_out" [label="out|<out_0> 0"]
"P_in" -> "P_out" [style=invis]
"R_out":"out_0" -> "D_in":"in_0" [weight=10]
"P_out":"out_0" -> "R_in":"in_0" [weight=10]
"D_out":"out_0" -> "P_in":"in_0"
This renders OK (see) but I would like to start the unweighted edge at the right side of the source node and end at the left side of the destination node. So I modified the last edge like this
"D_out":"out_0":e -> "P_in":"in_0":w
Now the edge starts end ends at the right place but takes an extra route at the edge of the enclosing nodes D_out
and P_in
. How can I prevent that and make a smooth edge that goes all around the graph?
It is quite difficult to get Graphviz to re-think its edges, but today we're lucky. Unfortunately it took a total rewrite of the nodes, changing them from record to HTML, to allow adding invisible cells. This in-turn "convinced" Graphviz to draw the edge below the nodes. Whew.
But a nice looking result.
digraph g {
//node [shape=record]
subgraph "cluster_R" {
R [shape=none label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0">
<tr><td style="invis" width="55"></td> <td style="invis" width="34"></td> <td style="invis" width="55"></td></tr>
<tr><td>in</td> <td style="invis"></td> <td>out</td></tr>
<tr><td port="in_0">0</td> <td style="invis"></td> <td port="out_0">0</td></tr>
subgraph "cluster_D" {
D [shape=none label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0">
<tr><td style="invis" width="55"></td> <td style="invis" width="34"></td> <td style="invis" width="55"></td></tr>
<tr><td>in</td> <td style="invis" ></td> <td>out</td></tr>
<tr><td port="in_0">0</td> <td style="invis" ></td> <td port="out_0">0</td></tr>
<tr><td style="invis"></td> <td style="invis" ></td> <td>1</td></tr>
subgraph "cluster_P" {
P [shape=none label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0">
<tr><td style="invis" width="55"></td> <td style="invis" width="34"></td> <td style="invis" width="55"></td></tr>
<tr><td>in</td> <td style="invis" ></td> <td>out</td></tr>
<tr><td port="in_0">0</td> <td style="invis" ></td> <td port="out_0">0</td></tr>
<tr><td port="in_1">1</td> <td style="invis" ></td> </tr>
R:"out_0" -> D:"in_0" [weight=10]
P:"out_0" -> R:"in_0" [weight=10]
P:"in_0":w -> D:"out_0":e [dir=back] // this makes all the difference!