I'm reading the paper "Functional Programming with Structured Graphs" by Olivera and Cook (Slides, draft paper.) proposing an elegant solution to encode sharing and cycles in graph-like structures using recursive bindings in PHOAS.
For example, streams with back edges can be encoded as :
-- 'x' is the element type, 'b' is the PHOAS's abstract variable:
data PS0 x b = Var0 b
| Mu0 (b -> PS0 x b) -- recursive binder
| Cons0 x (PS0 x b)
-- Closed terms:
newtype Stream0 x = Stream0 { runS0 :: forall b. PS0 x b }
-- Example : [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, ...
exPS0 = Stream0 $ Cons0 0 (Mu0 $ \x -> Cons0 1 (Cons0 2 $ Var0 x))
The AST can be folded into list without taking account of the cycles:
toListPS0 :: Stream0 x -> [x]
toListPS0 = go . runS0
go (Var0 x) = x
go (Mu0 h) = go . h $ [] -- nil
go (Cons0 x xs) = x : go xs
-- toListPS0 exPS0 == [0, 1, 2]
Or produce an infinite list, by taking the fix-point of recursive binders:
toListRecPS0 :: Stream0 x -> [x]
toListRecPS0 = go . runS0
go (Var0 x) = x
go (Mu0 h) = fix $ go . h -- fixpoint
go (Cons0 x xs) = x : go xs
-- toListRecPS0 exPS0 == [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, ...
The authors note that the encoding is a quasi-monad, having both join
and return
, but not fmap
returnPS0 :: b -> PS0 x b
returnPS0 = Var0
joinPS0 :: PS0 x (PS0 x b) -> PS0 x b
joinPS0 (Var0 b) = b
joinPS0 (Mu0 h) = Mu0 $ joinPS0 . h . Var0
joinPS0 (Cons0 x xs) = Cons0 x $ joinPS0 xs
This can be used to unroll one level of recursive binding:
unrollPS0 :: Stream0 x -> Stream0 x
unrollPS0 s = Stream0 $ joinPS0 . go $ runS0 s
go (Mu0 g) = g . joinPS0 . Mu0 $ g
go (Cons0 x xs) = Cons0 x $ go xs
go e = e
-- toListPS0 . unrollPS0 $ exPS0 == [0, 1, 2, 1, 2]
This reminded me the excellent article by Edward Kmett on FPComplete: PHOAS For Free. The idea is to make the AST a profunctor, separating negative and positive occurrence of PHOAS's variable.
The "fixpoint with place-order" of a functor is represented with a free-monad-like AST (Fegaras and Sheard):
data Rec p a b = Place b
| Roll (p a (Rec p a b))
Provided that p
is a profunctor (or that p a
is a functor), Rec p a
is a monad (and a functor !).
The stream AST can be encoded with the non-recursive functor PSF
data PSF x a b = MuF (a -> b)
| ConsF x b
-- Type and pattern synonyms:
type PS1 x = Rec (PSF x)
pattern Var1 x = Place x
pattern Mu1 h = Roll (MuF h)
pattern Cons1 x xs = Roll (ConsF x xs)
-- Closed terms:
newtype Stream1 x = Stream1 { runS1 :: forall b. PS1 x b b }
-- Example : [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, ...
exPS1 = Stream1 $ Cons1 0 (Mu1 $ \x -> Cons1 1 (Cons1 2 (Var1 x)))
The join
from the Rec
monad instance is different than the original joinPS1
from the paper !
A literate translation of joinPS0
using the pattern synonyms is:
joinPS1 :: PS1 x (PS1 x b b) (PS1 x b b) -> PS1 x b b
joinPS1 (Var1 b) = b
joinPS1 (Mu1 h) = Mu1 $ joinPS1 . h . Var1 -- Var1 affects the negative occurrences
joinPS1 (Cons1 x xs) = Cons1 x $ joinPS1 xs
Whereas, inlining (>>=)
and fmap
in (>>= id)
give us :
joinFreePSF :: PS1 x a (PS1 x a b) -> PS1 x a b
joinFreePSF (Var1 b) = b
joinFreePSF (Mu1 h) = Mu1 $ joinFreePSF . h -- No Var1 !
joinFreePSF (Cons1 x xs) = Cons1 x $ joinFreePSF xs
So my question is, why this difference?
The problem is that operations like unrollPS1
requires a join
that "smash" both the positive and negative occurrences of the monad (like in the joinPS1
I think it's related to the recursive nature of the binders. I tried to rewrite unrollPS1
by working with the types, but I'm not sure to have a full understanding of what is going on at the value level.
A fully general type of joinPS1
(inferred by the compiler) is
joinPS1 :: PS1 x (PS1 x' a a') (PS1 x a' b) -> PS1 x a' b
It can be specialized with a' ~ a ~ b
and x' ~ x
I don't try to achieve anything specific, it's more a matter of curiosity, like trying to connect the dots.
The full code with all the instances is available here (gist).
You can actually easily reconstruct the Olivera and Cook join
from my "profunctor HOAS" free monad join:
joinPS1 = join . lmap Var
Their version does the only thing it can do in their type.
There they have to keep the a = b
, so it does so by introducing a Var
. Here we can just put it on separately. It isn't required for the monad, and shouldn't be done for all cases.
The need to keep a
and b
in sync is why theirs can only be a "pseudo-monad" and why profunctor HOAS lets you actually have a real monad.