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Closing the application by selecting 'Quit' menu item - wxWidgets 3.0

So far I have written some simple code for a wxWidgets application, like creating a menu, frame and a few buttons. To follow the process of exiting, I have this function that shows a message box :

int OnExit( )
  wxMessageBox( "Closing the application", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION )
  return 0;

Closing the application by clicking close ( X ) button shows the message box and then exits. But closing it by clicking the "Quit" menu item doesn't work for me. I have tried copying some code from an old example and from CodeBlocks basic sample code that comes with wxWidgets project, with no luck. Please show me a method of closing the application from the menu item.


  • // Build: g++ this.cpp -std=gnu++11 $(wx-config --cxxflags --libs core,base)
    #include <wx/wx.h>
    class CApp : public wxApp
        bool OnInit() {
            // Create the main frame.
            wxFrame * frame = new wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("demo"));
            // Add the menubar
            wxMenu * menus[] = {new wxMenu, new wxMenu};
            wxString labels[] = {wxT("&File"), wxT("&Help")};
            frame->wxFrame::SetMenuBar(new wxMenuBar(2, menus, labels));
            // Bind an event handling method for menu item wxID_EXIT.
            this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [frame](wxCommandEvent &)->void{
                /* 1. method wxWindow::Close
                 * 2. event type wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW
                 * 3. method wxTopLevelWindow::OnCloseWindow
                 * 4. method wxTopLevelWindow::Destroy (overriding wxWindow::Destroy)
                 * 5. op delete
            }, wxID_EXIT);
            // Enter the message loop.
            return true;
        int OnExit() {
            wxMessageBox("Closing the application", wxEmptyString, wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
            return this->wxApp::OnExit();