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Which is the best way for drawing graphics items with QML?

In my QML application I need common QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsObject possibilities like detect collision, "movable" and "selectable" flags, drag-and-drop etc. Should I inherit my classes from QQuickItem or use QML Canvas? Sure I'd like to write less code and choose a "QML-way".


  • For collision detection in QML you can use Box 2D QML plug-in. It has lots of good features and could be downloaded from here.

    You can also implement collision detection on your own. For example by checking this :


    For making a QML item movable you can do something like :

    Image {
        id: icon
        width: 64
        height: 64
        source: "liverbird.gif"
        MouseArea {
            id: liverbirdMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent
            property variant iconObj
            property int startX
            property int startY
            onPressed: {
                startX = mouseX
                startY = mouseY
                var iconComp = Qt.createComponent("icon.qml");
                iconObj = iconComp.createObject(parent);
                iconObj.x = mouseX - iconObj.width/2
                iconObj.y = mouseY - iconObj.height/2
            onPositionChanged: {
                iconObj.x += mouseX - startX
                iconObj.y += mouseY - startY
                startX = mouseX
                startY = mouseY
            onReleased: {