You will need to do an SQL query to get this information.
Assuming you are using the default 'mdl_' prefix for tables, you will need to join together the following tables:
- mdl_user - the details of the users
- mdl_user_enrolments - (user_enrolments.userid = which course enrolments the user
- mdl_enrol - ( = user_enrolments.enrolid) details of which
enrolment instances these are
- mdl_course - ( = enrol.courseid) details of the courses these users are enroled in
- mdl_groups_members - (groups_members.userid = details of the
groups these users are in
- mdl_groups - ( =
groups_members.groupid AND groups.courseid = name and
description of the groups the user is in (for each course)
Please comment if you need help turning that pseudo code into actual SQL, or if you need help with the Moodle database access API ( )