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How to redirect to moodle page (Moodle 4.5) from external site without showing login page

I have an external site developed in .net having OpenID SSO enabled and a moodle site using the same SSO. The user want to click a link in external site to a specific page in moodle. But the login page appears when user click the link. How can we navigate the user to requested page without showing login page. I am pretty new to Moodle. Using the version 4.5.

I am a dot net developer. I don't have much knowledge in PHP.

Any help will be appreciated.


  • If you turn on the Silent login option in the OpenID Connect settings, any user that already has a token from the same IDP used for OIDC on their Web Browser will be automatically logged in and sent back to the link used to enter Moodle. This setting is under Other options and requires Forced redirect (/admin/settings.php?section=authsettingoidc) and Force users to login (/admin/settings.php?section=sitepolicies).

    If they don't have the necessary token on their Web Browser yet, the IDP's login will appear. That said, once they logged in for the first time, they won't have too the next, provided they use the same Web Browser and don't clear their cache/use private browsing or incognito mode.