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How to display course list in moodle form?

I want to display course list in moodle form and using following code;

$options = array();
$allcourses = coursecat::get(0)->get_courses(array('recursive' = true);
foreach ($allcourses as $course) {
    $options[$course->id] = $course-fullname;
$mform->addElement('select', 'courseid', get_string('course'), $options);
$mform->setDefault('courseid', $currentcourseid);

But it displays error at $allcourses = coursecat::get(0)->get_courses(array('recursive' = true); any guidance or help?

Thanks Regards


  • What does the error message that you are getting say?

    Because it looks like you have unbalanced parentheses:

    $allcourses = coursecat::get(0)->get_courses(array('recursive' = true);

    Try this:

    $allcourses = coursecat::get(0)->get_courses(array('recursive' = true));

    When in doubt, always make sure your error messages are shown:

    ini_set('display_errors', true);

    Or, in your specific case, you might want to amend the Moodle $CFG object in config.php:

    Hope this helps