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Do I need to reset a shared_ptr before removing it from a vector?

I've written a very simple C++ program using std::shared_ptr.

Here's the code :

** Resource class definition
class Resource
        std::string m_Name;
        Resource(std::string name)
            :   m_Name(name)

        std::string const &GetName(void) const
            return (this->m_Name);

namespace Predicate
    ** Predicate - Delete a specific node according to its name
    template <typename T>
    struct DeleteByName
        DeleteByName(std::string const &name);
        bool operator()(T &pData);
        std::string m_Name;


    template <typename T>
    DeleteByName<T>::DeleteByName(std::string const &name)
        :   m_Name(name)



    template <typename T>
    bool DeleteByName<T>::operator()(T &pData)
        if (pData->GetName() == this->m_Name)
            return (true);
        return (false);

** Remove a specific node according to its name - WORKS
static void RemoveByName__CLASSIC__OK(std::string const &name, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>> &resourceList)
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>>::iterator It = resourceList.begin();
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>>::iterator It_dest;

    for (; It != resourceList.end(); ++It) {
        if (!(*It)->GetName().compare(name))
            It_dest = It;

** Remove a specific node according to its name - NOT WORK
static void RemoveByName__CLASSIC__NOT_OK(std::string const &name, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>> &resourceList)
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>>::iterator It = resourceList.begin();

    for (; It != resourceList.end(); ++It) {
        if (!(*It)->GetName().compare(name))

static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>>::const_iterator FindByName__PREDICATE__OK(
    std::string const &name, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>> &resourceList)
    return (std::find_if(resourceList.begin(),
            resourceList.end(), Predicate::FindByName<std::shared_ptr<Resource>>(name)));

** Remove a specific node according to its name using std::remove_if algorithm with the predicate 'DeleteByName' - WORKS
static void RemoveByName__PREDICATE__OK(std::string const &name, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>> &resourceList)
    if (FindByName__PREDICATE__OK(name, resourceList) != resourceList.end())
            resourceList.begin(), resourceList.end(), Predicate::DeleteByName<std::shared_ptr<Resource>>(name)));

** Entry point
int main(void)
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>> resourceList;

    std::shared_ptr<Resource> rsc_A(new Resource("resource_a"));
    std::shared_ptr<Resource> rsc_B(new Resource("resource_b"));
    std::shared_ptr<Resource> rsc_C(new Resource("resource_c"));



    RemoveByName__PREDICATE__OK("resource_as", resourceList);


    return (0);

I just want to know if I erase a node from a std::vector containing a shared pointer, if I have to call the method 'reset' to destroy the shared pointer before calling the 'erase' method. I think if I just destroy the node without any call of the function 'reset' the shared pointer should be still destroyed. Is that right?

Plus, I don't understand why the function 'RemoveByName__CLASSIC__NOT_OK' fails. I don't understand why I have to declare an 'It_dest' to store the iterator during the loop (see the method 'RemoveByName__CLASSIC__OK') and finally erase the node at the end of the function. This problem just happened using shared pointer. Does any one have an idea?


  • You don't have to reset the shared_ptr manually, that is done in the destructor. When you erase it, the object gets destroyed and thus decreases the reference count.

    Your RemoveByName__CLASSIC__NOT_OK function failes because you are using the iterator after erasing the pointed element. After std::vector::erase, the iterator will be invalid and cannot be used anymore. erase returns the next iterator.

    static void RemoveByName__CLASSIC__NOT_OK(std::string const &name, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Resource>> &resourceList)
        for (auto It = resourceList.begin(); 
             It != resourceList.end(); ) {
            if (!(*It)->GetName().compare(name))
                It = resourceList.erase(It);

    I consider the implementation with remove_if more readable.