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"Implementation" of the object hierarchy - "the easiest way" or how to avoiding virtual inheritance?

I have some quite complex, virtual objects hierarchy that represents all the elements in 3D Engine as abstract classes (interfaces).

For example, I have Renderable which parent is Sizeable (with getSize() method). Sizeable inherits from Positionable (with getPosition()) etc.

That structure is fine and logic (e.g. 3D Model is Renderable, bone of skeleton for skinning is Sizeable, and the Camera is only Positionable).

There is also one "uber-class", Engine3D.

My aim is:

I have to write the "implementation" for that "graphic things" (module). It will be DirectX "implementation". The aim: the programmer that uses my "implementation" can switch to other fast and simple (which implementation he uses is almost transparent to him).

I would like to keep it that way:

//choosing module "implementation" ("implementation" mentioned here only)
Engine3D * engine = new MyEngine3D();

Renderable * model = engine->createModel(...);
//line above will return MyRenderable class in fact,
//but user (programmer) will treat it as Renderable

Why I want to create "own" versions of Renderable and all others? Because they will share some "implementation"-specific data (pointers for DirectX structures etc.).

My problem is:

But that way, I would create a "mirror" - a copy of the original module's objects hierarchy with My in front of each class name. Moreover, MyRenderable would have to inherit both from Renderable (to overwide render()) and MySizeable (to get the DirectX matrices etc.).

And that involves the virtual inheritance and really complicates the structure.

Is there an easier way?

I'm speaking mainly about avoiding virtual multi-inheritance (just multi-inheritance is fine, I guess).


  • You should definitely avoid a strong coupling of object hierarchy and rendering implementation. My suggestion would be to move all the DirectX specific code to a class outside of your object hierarchy, for example an IRenderer interface together with a DirectXRenderer implementation. Add a reference or pointer to IRenderer to all the classes which have to draw something (Renderable, etc). All object classes must use your own implementations of matrices etc. to keep them independent from the data structures of the actual rendering backend.