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Is Hardware Breakpoint able to write memory?

I have this ASM Code which i would like to do a Hardware breakpoint on it, however I'm wonder if I could use Hardware Breakpoint to write the memory. Can anyone advice?

41A8BA - 68 12345678 [PUSH 78563412]

Is there anyway I can write it on Hardware Breakpoint that makes it to "68 00000000" for example on C++?

[C++ Code]
    if(ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP)
        if((DWORD)ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress == 0x41A8BA)
            //What do i write here?


  • I'm very familiar with how x86's implementation of hardware breakpoints work (from "what it does to the processor" - not how it's actually designed internally), and have read the descriptions for several others.

    Hardware breakpoints do not DO anything to the code in question - it is a set of special registers, that can be given a pattern ("Address X, trigger on write", "Address Y, trigger on execute"), which are checked against during the execution of the code, and if there is a match (e.g. "Address X is being written to" or "Address Y is being executed"), then the processor will stop executing and enter an exception handler - at which point the software in the exception handler takes over, typically by handing over to the debugger to say "Your code did a write to address X, here's where you are at" or "Your code executed address Y, here's where we stopped".

    The hardware brekapoints can't directly be used to read, write or execute anything - it's just a "match + exception" mechanism. Technically, one could make the exception handler do something like writing to the address being executed, but that would not be "the hardware breakpoint", and it would still be treated just like any other code executing on the processor, meaning the memory has to be mapped in a way that it can be written (code, typically, isn't writeable in modern OS's such as Windows and Linux).

    You can of course, in the exception handler for the debug break, map the memory as writeable (if needed), and write a different value to the part of code you care about (if it's in another process, you need to use OpenProcess and WriteProcessMemory) - again, this is nothing directly to do with hardware breakpoints, but about the code executed as a consequence, and will still follow the usual rules of the OS with regards to what memory you can read and write.