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Class definition expects argument?

I'm designing a class hierarchy that follows a diamond pattern, and I'm trying to debug through about a million errors right now; however, most of them are simple fixes that I should be able to figure out. However, I'm having difficulty understanding the compiler's complaints in this one.

Basically, I start off with a simple Entity class that has two derived classes: Buyer and Seller. A fourth class Retailer, in turn, is descended from both classes - that is, it uses multiple inheritance(and yes, I know what kind of mess that's asking for, unfortunately that's exactly the point of the project).

for reference, the header files for my classes is as follows: Entity.h

#pragma once
#include <string>

class Entity    {
  Entity(std::string &, std::string &, double);
  /*Accessor methods for private members*/
  std::string getName();
  std::string getID();
  double getBalance();
  /*Mutator methods for private members*/
  void setName(std::string &);
  void setID(std::string &);
  void setBalance(double);
  /*Additional methods*/
  virtual void list();
  virtual void step() = 0;

  /*Private members of the entity class*/
  std::string name;
  std::string id;
  double balance;

for the Buyer.h file

#pragma once
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Order.h"
#include "Seller.h"
#include <queue>
#include <string>

class Seller;
class Buyer : virtual public Entity     {
  Buyer(std::string, std:: string, double);
  virtual ~Buyer() { }
  void addSeller(Seller *);
  std::queue<Seller *> getSellers();
  void addOrder(Order *);
  void list();
  void step() override;
  std::queue<Order *> orders;
  std::queue<Seller *> sellers;

For Seller.h

#pragma once
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Order.h"
#include "Buyer.h"
#include "Inventory.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Buyer;
class Seller : virtual public Entity    {
  Seller(std::string, std::string, double);
  virtual ~Seller() {}
  void addBuyer(Buyer *);
  std::vector<Buyer> getBuyers();
  void setInventory(Inventory *);
  Inventory * getInventory();
  void list();
  double fillOrder(Order *);
  void step();
  Inventory inventory;
  std::vector<Buyer *> buyers;

And finally for Retailer.h

#pragma once
#include "Buyer.h"
#include "Seller.h"
#include <string>

class Retailer : public Buyer, public Seller    {
  Retailer(std::string, std::string, double);
  virtual ~Retailer() { }
  void list();
  void step();

The majority of the errors I get when trying to compile these files are along the lines of

Buyer.h:9:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
Seller.h:14:3: note:   candidate expects 3 arguments, 0 provided

Which is odd, because for that first line, I shouldn't even have to provide an argument and the second one is the definition of the constructor....

Basically, what I'm failing to understand is what does the compiler mean by a line of code expecting a different number of arguments than were provided? Should I be including default constructors that use no arguments? Is there something wrong with the way they're declared? I can also post the code for my .cpp files if necessary, although they don't seem to be mentioned a lot by the compiler error reports.


  • It means that the compiler is considering that function for overload resolution, but it's not a match because of differing number of arguments.