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Virtual base class initialization conundrum

I have the following construct in a static library (part of a dispatcher mechanism, unrelated details removed for brevity):

class Base {
    Base(Connection* conn = nullptr) : myConn(conn) {;} // = nullptr fixes the problem

    Connection* myConn;

class Handler : virtual public Base {
    virtual void handleMessage(InputStream&) = 0;

    Handler(int id) : myId(id) {;} <<<<< Error <<<<<<<

    const int myId;

template<class EventType>
class TypedHandler : public Handler
    TypedHandler() : Handler(EventType::ID) {;}

    virtual void onEvent(const EventType&) = 0;

    virtual void handleMessage(InputStream& message)
        EventType event(message);
        onEvent( event );

I'm fully aware that the most derived class should initialize the base class, which would look like:

class A : public TypedHandler<SuperEvent>
        , public TypedHandler<DuperEvent>
    A(Connection* conn) : Base(conn) {}

    void onEvent(const SuperEvent&)
    { ... }

    void onEvent(const DuperEvent&)
    { ... }

But I get "error C2512: no appropriate default constructor available virtual base class" at marked position (VS 2012, MSVC++ 11), even though Handler is never meant to be most derived...

Ideas ?

Edit: By allowing a default constructor to be generated (via Connection* conn = nullptr in constructor), it works. According to Igor's link the default constructor won't be called in Handler constructor, since Handler is virtual.

Edit2: By setting the virtual base class default constructor private, and setting the immediate two sub classes as friends + non-default constructor as protected, not only does it compile, but compilation fails if the most derived class does not intialize the virtual base class correctly. All checkboxes ticked! :)


  • This issue is fixed in clang 3.4, but not earlier. Given that it is a compiler bug or at least a contentious compiler trait, and that Base(Connection& conn) is protected, you might be able to go with an in-your-face conditional compilation workaround, e.g.

    class Base {
    #if HAVE_BUG_GCC19249
        Base(Connection& conn = _workaround_bug_gcc19249_) : myConn(conn) {;}
        Base(Connection& conn) : myConn(conn) {;}
        Connection& myConn;
    #if HAVE_BUG_GCC19249
        static Connection _workaround_bug_gcc19249_;
        // ... conditional definition in implementation file.