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Cast object to parent

I have a problem with inheritance in C++. Here is what I would like to do:

class parent
   int a;

class son : public parent
   int b;
   operator parent()
      parent p; p.a = a + b;
      return p;

void funct(parent a)

son s; s.a = 3; s.b = 4;

And I would like it to print out 7. Instead, the casting is implicitly done without affecting anything, and 3 is printed out. Could anyone give me an advice on how to do this? Is this even possible?


  • According to the C++ Standard

    A conversion function is never used to convert a (possibly cv-qualified) object to the (possibly cv-qualified) same object type (or a reference to it), to a (possibly cv-qualified) base class of that type (or a reference to it), or to (possibly cv-qualified) void.

    You could use a virtual function that outputs data members or you could define operator << as pseudo-virtual (that is that calls a virtual function) for the classes.

    For example

    class parent
       virtual std::ostream & out( std::ostream &os ) const { return os << a; }
       int a;
    class son : public parent
       int b;
       std::ostream & out( std::ostream &os ) const { return os << a + b; }
    std::ostream & operator <<( std::ostream &os, const parent &obj )
       return obj.out( os );