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memory allocation and inherited classes in C++

Say I have these structs:

struct Base{

struct Derived:public Base{
 //everything Base contains and some more

I have a function in which I want to duplicate an array of these and then alter it.

void doStuff(Base *data, unsigned int numItems){
 Base *newdata = new Base[numItems];
 memcpy(newdata, data, numItems*sizeof(Base));
 delete [] newdata;

But if I used this function like so:

Base *data = new Derived[100];
doStuff(data, 100);

It wouldn't work, would it? Because Derived1 is larger than Base, so allocating for Base is not enough memory?


  • You could do this easily with a template:

    template< class T >void doStuff(T *data, unsigned int numItems)
        T *newdata = new T[numItems];
        memcpy( newdata, data, sizeof( T ) * numItems );
        delete [] newdata;

    Edit as per the comments: If you wanted to do this for a mixed collection things will get more complicated quickly ... one possible solution is this:

    struct Base{
        virtual Base* CopyTo()      { return new Base( *this ); }
    struct Derived:public Base{
        virtual Derived* CopyTo()   { return new Derived( *this ); }
    void doStuff( Base** ppArray, int numItems )
        Base** ppNewArray   = new Base*[numItems];
        int count = 0;
        while( count < numItems )
            ppNewArray[count] = ppArray[count]->CopyTo();
        // do stuff
        count = 0;
        while( count < numItems )
            delete ppNewArray[count];
        delete[] ppNewArray;