I've downloaded the floating point package from http://www.vhdl.org/fphdl/ and did the following:
- I included the math_utility_pkg.vhd, fixed_pkg_c.vhd and float_pkg_c.vhd files in my project
- I assigned them to a library (following the instructions in Compiling *.vhdl into a library, using Altera Quartus II)
- tried to compile them, first by setting my project's top entity as top entity and the second time by setting float_pkg_c.vhd as top entity
I'v encountered several issues:
- I'm not sure whether to use the ieee_proposed library name or floatfixlib, as the former is suggested in the documentation and the latter is used from within the package files
- When compiling, I keep getting errors from within the package files (e.g. "failed to elaborate call to subprogram "remainder"" and similar)
- There seem to be some dispute between the facts that the package file has the suffix _c, but it should be included without it (e.g. use FLOATFIXLIB.float_pkg.all;), I can't get to that error at this moment though
- finally, when the float_pkg_c.vhd is set as top entity, the compiler generates this error: "Top-level design entity "float_pkg_c" is undefined"
I keep trying variations of the above attempts, but get no progress at all.
You may wish to re-download the packages. I don't see a math_utility_pkg and I don't see library floatfixlib referenced in the packages. You must have a very old release.
I just re-downloaded the Altera distribution. In it, I see the packages referenced in the post you cross listed: fixed_float_types_c.vhdl, fixed_pkg_c.vhdl, and float_pkg_c.vhdl. I also note that the file date stamps in the zip file are: 8/27/2009.