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Disable warning at a specific place in Intel Compiler

I have a mathematical vector, whose dimensions I define with a template parameter int N. The problem is that I add to many parameters at the constructor for up to N=9, g++ was OK with this, but the Intel compiler is complaining about this with a warning

warning #175: subscript out of range

Yes, the subscript is out of range as it appears, but no, it's not gonna cause a problem, because it's written like this:

template <int N, typename T>
Vector<N,T>::Vector(T val0, T val1, T val2, T val3, T val4, T val5, T val6, T val7, T val8, T val9)
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        _values[i] = T();
    _values[0] = val0;
    if(N > 1)
        _values[1] = val1;
    if(N > 2)
        _values[2] = val2;
    if(N > 3)
        _values[3] = val3;
    if(N > 4)
        _values[4] = val4;
    if(N > 5)
        _values[5] = val5;
    if(N > 6)
        _values[6] = val6;
    if(N > 7)
        _values[7] = val7;
    if(N > 8)
        _values[8] = val8;
    if(N > 9)
        _values[9] = val9;

where N is the dimensionality, like I mentioned, and T is the data type. So the Intel compiler isn't smart enough to realize that this won't cause any problem since I don't access the element unless the the index is valid.

The question is: How can I tell the compiler with something like a macro/pre-compiler commands that it should not issue warning #175 for those lines? Notice that disabling warning #175 completely wouldn't be smart, though I could still do a real error somewhere else; I just want to disable it for this region of code.

Thanks for any efforts.


  • As it has been said, you can disable the warnings with compiler specific #pragmas. The annoying thing of this solution is that it's not portable and some compilers emmit warnings when they find other compiler #pragmas. So you end up just trade warnings.

    You can fix this issue with yet another #pragma or protecting the pragmas with


    I would rather make sure that no compiler sees code that can raise this warning. I would do something (not tested) like:

    template <int i>
    typename std::enable_if<(i < N)>::type
    set(const T& val) {
        _values[i] = val;
    template <int i>
    typename std::enable_if<(i >= N)>::type
    set(const T&) {
    Vector(T val0, T val1, T val2, T val3, T val4, T val5, T val6, T val7, T val8, T val9) {
        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            _values[i] = T();
        _values[0] = val0;