public class User {
private String name;
private Role role;
enum Role {
List<User> users = Arrays.asList(
new User("Alex", Role.USER),
new User("Tom", Role.ADMIN),
new User("Bob", Role.MODERATOR),
new User("Mila", Role.USER),
new User("Kate", Role.MODERATOR)
Map<Role, Long> count =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(User::getRole, Collectors.counting()));
Result : {ADMIN=1, USER=2, MODERATOR=2}
I want to group by role and calculate the number of users, using stream API. When I used Map<Role, Long> all is ok.
But I need Map<String, Long> and have a compile error. I don't get how to cast Enum to String in this case?
Use user.getRole().name()
instead of only user.getRole()
method will return the name of your defined Enum
(eg. ADMIN) in String format.