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KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address using static map and std::make_pair

I get this error

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0xb064425c

When the following function is called:

const std::map<FunctionID, std::string> getEnumElementsStringRepresentation() {
  static bool is_initialized = false;
  static std::map<FunctionID, std::string> enum_string_representation; // Fails here
  if (false == is_initialized) {
    enum_string_representation.insert(std::make_pair(FunctionID.capabilities, "capabilities"));
    ... many more similar inserts
    is_initialized = true;
  return enum_string_representation;

It appears to be a read/write error but I'm not sure the best way to debug.


  • You said your code is multi-threaded. Because of the function-static map instance, getEnumElementsStringRepresentation is not re-entrant (usually). You would have to protect the function with a mutex, or use thread-local storage.