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Is it possible to configure ArangoDB to make snapshots of the graph database at specific times?

so far I know ArangoDB uses MVCC and therefore it creates revisions of nodes and edges for a undefined period of time until the garbage collector removes them.

I would like to implement a graph database schema and I need to keep the state of this database at specific times. This means I will configures times when the database management system take a snapshot of the state (e.g. every week).

So my question in short: is it possible to keep the revisions/versions of nodes/edges in arangodb (or maybe with a plugin) and a timestamp of their creation?

If no, is there a other graph databases which is able to do this?


  • I think you can use arangodump (link to ArangoDB client tools manual) binary to create a snapshot at the desired point in time. This will save the state of the database (or just the specific collections that contain your graph data) to JSON files, which can be used for auditing or later reloading the data. arangodump is contained in the ArangoDB distributions.

    The data dumped by arangodump will not contain any creation timestamps, but if you need them you can make them part of your data by just filling a "created" attribute in each node / edge when you create it.

    I hope this helps.