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How can I use two projections in MongoDB at the same time?

I have documents I need to retrieve data from in this format:

    "id": ObjectId("alskdjflqkjwr23"),
    "field1": {
        "morefields": values
    "field2": {
        "morefields": values
    "field3": {
        "morefields": values
    "field14": {
        "morefields": values
    "importantField": {
        "subfield1": values,
        "subfield2": values,
        "importantArray": [
                "subsubfield1": values,
                "importantSubArray": [
                        "subsubsubfield1": values,
                        "subsubsubfield2": values
                        "subsubsubfield1": values,
                        "subsubsubfield2": values
                "importantValue": values
                "subsubfield1": values,
                "subsubfield2": values,
                "subsubfield3": values

I need the importantValue and elements in the importantSubArray fields, but I can't get my query to return what I need without all of the extra data in the other fields. I just started using Mongo a week ago.

I have tried this query, but only one of the projections works, depending on which order I put them in. So I can either return only the array within importantField, but all 400 or so elements, not just the last 2, or I can return the last 2 elements of importantField.importantArray, but also return all of the other fields, subfields, subsubfields etc.

        "importantField.importantArray" : 1.0,
        "importantField.importantArray": { $slice: -2 }

How can I get both of these to work at the same time? Thanks.


The expected output should look like this. I need the elements in importantSubArray array and importantValue field

    "importantSubArray": [
            "stuff": morestuff
    "importantValue": value


  • I was able to combine the comment from @prasad_ with a slice by using an aggregation and projecting the fields I want in the first stage and then doing another projection in stage 2 and slicing for the last 2 elements.