I want to perform join on the basis of orderNo and articleCode under details (in both orderList and orderHistory) using aggregation
orderList: {
"orderNo": "0000004680",
"details": [{
"articleCode": "000000000910000130",
"pgiStatus": " ",
"fulfillmentStatus": "Y",
"shortCloseStatus": "Y"
"articleCode": "000000000910000131",
"pgiStatus": " ",
"shortCloseQty": "0",
"fulfillmentStatus": "Y",
orderHistory: {
"orderNo": "0000004680",
"orderHistoryStatus": "COM",
"details": [{
"shipmentStatus": "SHF",
"articleCode": "000000000910000130",
"billingDocNo": "0000123"
Below is the query which I have written :
let query = [{
$match: {
"createdBy": userId
$unwind: "$details"
$lookup: {
from: "jed_order_history",
let: {
orderNo: "$orderNo",
articleCode: "$details.articleCode"
pipeline: [{
$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [{
$eq: ["$orderNo", "$$orderNo"]
$eq: ["$details.articleCode", "$$articleCode"]
as: "orderHistory"
$unwind: {
path: "$orderHistory",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
$lookup: {
from: "jed_orderShipment",
localField: "orderHistory.details.billingDocNo",
foreignField: "billingNumber",
as: "orderShipment"
$project: {
orderNo: 1,
createdAt: 1,
paymentAccountingStatus: 1,
orderListDetails: "$details",
orderHistory: {
$ifNull: ["$orderHistory", {}]
orderShipment: {
$ifNull: [{
$arrayElemAt: ["$orderShipment", 0]
}, {}]
Here, in the output, both the orderHistory
and orderShipment
are appearing as empty objects, even though the matching data is present.
When I am removing this part { $eq: ["$details.articleCode", "$$articleCode"] }
, then I am getting the expected data but I have to search both on the basis of orderNo
and articleCode
under the details
First, I think you made a typo from: "jed_order_history"
should be from: "orderHistory"
, Second I think you need to unwind
in the lookup
before performing the match. because this is necessary as the details are in an array and you need to compare each item individually
let query = [
$match: {
"createdBy": userId
$unwind: "$details"
$lookup: {
from: "orderHistory",
let: { localOrderNo: "$orderNo", localArticleCode: "$details.articleCode" },
pipeline: [
{ $unwind: "$details" },
$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [
{ $eq: ["$orderNo", "$$localOrderNo"] },
{ $eq: ["$details.articleCode", "$$localArticleCode"] }
as: "orderHistory"
$unwind: {
path: "$orderHistory",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
$lookup: {
from: "orderShipment",
localField: "orderHistory.details.billingDocNo",
foreignField: "billingNumber",
as: "orderShipment"
$project: {
orderNo: 1,
createdAt: 1,
paymentAccountingStatus: 1,
orderListDetails: "$details",
orderHistory: { $ifNull: ["$orderHistory", {}] },
orderShipment: { $ifNull: [{ $arrayElemAt: ["$orderShipment", 0] }, {}] }