I am evaluating DynamoDB for new project as potential db. I would appreciate your input for following use case and solution.
Use Case: User provides multiple device ids to find data about devices. API should return all devices that have device ids that fully matches those entered by User.
Algorithm: In API call send multiple DynamoDB requests to get data. Each request gets one device by device_id that is partition key in table. Once Db returns data, api combines data into one data structure that is returned to UI.
My concern is that I would have to get multiple db requests. Coming from SQL world, same functionality can be achieved by 1 query so that db is accessed only once:
select * from device where device_id in ('123','234', 345')
Solution. Answer below with Execute statement suggestion is good option. However, I am trying to stick with existing pattern to retrieve data using DDB resource and query data with it.
I ended up updating data model so that there is only 1 query to DB to get data. I added attribute search_id that duplicates device_id value from sort key. This enabled to filter data with logical operator IN . (Right now this operator is not visible in foptions for filter in DynamoDb UI which was the reason I did not thought of it in the first place). Query string ended up looking like this:
aws_query = {
'Limit': self.take,
'ScanIndexForward': False,
'TableName': 'Devices',
'KeyConditionExpression': Key('type').eq('device'),
'FilterExpression': Attr('search_id').is_in(device_ids)
You have several ways to get the data back in a single request: