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What is the pseudo code translation of each of the variables in the equation, " *x_ptr = &x "?

I am a beginner with the programming language C. I am working from example code online and am trying to analyze the following,

int x = 0, y = 16;
*x_ptr = &x

It's the second line that I want to make sure I'm understanding syntactically. I have only just encountered the concept of pointers and am trying to crack that nut conceptually. How then should I read the code on line 2?


  • A variable is a storage location.

    A storage location stores a value.

    A storage location is associated with a type.

    A storage location of type T holds a value of type T.

    A storage location is not a value.

    Using a storage location to produce a value produces the value stored in the storage location.

    Applying the & operator to a storage location of type T produces a value. The type of the value is "pointer to type T".

    Applying the * operator to a value of type "pointer to type T" produces a storage location of type T.

    From these facts you can deduce the meaning of your program fragment.

    However, your program fragment as given is almost certainly a typo. You meant to say

    int x = 0, *x_ptr = &x;

    Let's write that out in a longer form to make it easier to read.

    int x;
    int *x_ptr;
    x = 0;
    x_ptr = &x;

    x and x_ptr are storage locations. The first of type int, the second of type pointer to int.

    The value zero is assigned to the location x.

    The & operator is applied to storage location x producing a value of type pointer to int.

    That value is assigned to storage location x_ptr.

    If you then said

    *x_ptr = 123;

    then the * takes the value stored in location x_ptr and turns the pointer back into a storage location -- x -- and then stores 123 into that storage location. x is now 123, not 0.

    Make sure you have this solid. This is the key to understanding all of C.