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std::shared_ptr: Custom deleter not being invoked

I'm working through C++ Primer, 5th edition, and the author has presented an example to do with using shared_ptrs to manage resources from older libraries that could leak memory, to prevent them from doing so. I decided to create a test to see how it works, but my custom deleter doesn't get called after the exception is thrown and (deliberately) not caught:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

struct Connection {};

Connection* Connect(std::string host)
    std::cout << "Connecting to " << host << std::endl;
    return new Connection;

void Disconnect(Connection* connection)
    std::cout << "Disconnected" << std::endl;
    delete connection;

void EndConnection(Connection* connection)
    std::cerr << "Calling disconnect." << std::endl << std::flush;

void AttemptLeak()
    Connection* c = Connect("");
    std::shared_ptr<Connection> connection(c, EndConnection);

    // Intentionally let the exception bubble up.

int main()

    return 0;

It produces the following output:

Connecting to

My understanding is that when a function is exited, whether that's exiting normally or because of an exception, the local variables will all be destroyed. In this case, that should mean connection being destroyed when AttemptLeaks() exits, invoking its destructor, which should then call EndConnection(). Notice also that I'm using, and flushing, cerr, but that also didn't give any output.

Is there something wrong with my example, or my understanding?

Edit: While I already have the answer to this question, for anyone else that stumbles upon this in the future, my problem was with my understanding of how throw works. Although the answers below correctly state how to use it, I think it's best to explicitly make it clear that I was (incorrectly) trying to use it to 'generate' an unhandled exception, to test my code above.


  • Bare throw is intended for use inside catch blocks to rethrow a caught exception. If you use it outside a catch block, terminate() will be called and your program ends at once. See what does "throw;" outside a catch block do?

    If you delete the throw-statement the shared_ptr connection will go out of scope and should call the deleter. If you have any doubts about the exception-safety of using a shared_ptr (I don't ;), you can explicitly throw an exception here by changing throw to throw 1.