My Unit Test:
public void TimeOnSite_3_Returns_an_Array_of_location_and_location_name()
var response = new Browser(new Bootstrapper()).Get("/reports/data/timeonsite",
with =>
with.Query("type", "3");
Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
var raw = response.Body.AsString();
Console.WriteLine("TimeOnSite3:{0}", raw);
The first time I run the test (VS2013 using Resharper as TestRunner) I see that response.Body is my expected JSON string:
[{"location":"Somewhere","location_Name":"Somewhere Name"}]
but later after I've worked a bit and re-run, all tests fail and the response.Body is now:
Somewhere,Somewhere Name
instead of being JSON. Why/How do I force Json?
The Module looks like this:
public class ReportDataModule : ModuleBase
static readonly Lazy<DataSource> DbProviderDataLoader = new Lazy<DataSource>(() => new DataSource());
private readonly Lazy<DataSource> _dataLoader;
public ReportDataModule() : this("/reports/data", DbProviderDataLoader){}
public ReportDataModule(string path, Lazy<DataSource> reportDataLoader) : base(path)
// _dataLoader.Value.TimeOnJob<TimeOnJobSummary> returns an IEnumerable<TimeOnJobSummary> (underneath it's a List<>)
// TimeOnJobSummary is
// public class TimeOnSiteSummary
// {
// public DateTime Date_Group { get; set; }
// public int Qty { get; set; }
// public int Avg_Days { get; set; }
// }
Get["/timeOnSite"] =
ctx =>
Negotiate.WithModel(_dataLoader.Value.TimeOnJob<TimeOnJobSummary>((int) (Request.Query.type),(string)Request.Query.dateGroup));
_dataLoader = reportDataLoader;
looks like this (and has a load of added utility methods but doesn't override anything) :
public abstract class ModuleBase : NancyModule
protected ModuleBase()
protected ModuleBase(string modulePath)
: base(modulePath)
//other protected methods but nothing overridden
I still don't know why it switches, but Nancy does allow setting the client Accept header to force json:
var response = new Browser(new Bootstrapper()).Get("/reports/data/timeonsite",
with =>
with.Header("Accept","application/json"); // <-- add an Accept header
with.Query("type", "3");