I have created a screenshot program and all is working great. The only problem is, I am not sure how I can make it so the screenshots are saved with appending numbers.
Example: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4, etc.
Obviously this could be applied to other files being saved. Any ideas? Thank you.
Here is a method I use frequently for this very case. Just pass in a string like "Screenshot" and it will find the lowest available filename in the format of "Screenshot [number]" (or just "Screenshot" if there aren't any already):
private string GetUniqueName(string name, string folderPath)
string validatedName = name;
int tries = 1;
while (File.Exists(folderPath + validatedName))
validatedName = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", name, tries++);
return validatedName;
(Note: this is a slightly simplified version that doesn't take file extensions into account).