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NullReferenceException when trying to render Razor component

I have an issue when trying to render Razor component, I get a NullReferenceException.

I have a component NewsCard which represents a simple card that contains a summary about a news entry:

@using Web.Backend.Models

@code {
    public News? NewsData { get; set; }

<a href="/news/@NewsData?.Id">
    <div class="news-card">
        <img src="@NewsData?.TitleImage.ResolveObjectUri()"/>
        <div class="news-card-data">
            <div class="news-card-header">
                <div class="news-card-header-info">
                    <p class="news-card-posted-by">@string.Format("{0} {1}", NewsData?.PostedBy.LastName, NewsData.PostedBy.FirstName)</p>
                    <p class="news-card-posted-at">@NewsData?.PostedAt</p>

I used this component fine in other component using

<NewsCard NewsData="news"/>

but when I try to use this component in a page like this

<component type="typeof(NewsCard)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered" params-NewsData="news"/>

or like this

await Html.RenderComponentAsync<NewsCard>(RenderMode.ServerPrerendered, new { NewsData = news });

I get a NullReferenceException. Why? The news variable has an object when I look in the debugger.

I'm trying to understand why it doesn't work and also, why I cannot just use same syntax like in a component:

<NewsCard NewsData="news"/>



  • So I've figured it out, I forgot to populate additional fields in retrieved news from database. I've added this:

    foreach (News newsPost in news)
        dbContext.Entry(newsPost).Reference(p => p.PostedBy).Load();
        dbContext.Entry(newsPost).Reference(p => p.TitleImage).Load();

    And it fixed a problem.