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Malloc segmentation fault

Here is the piece of code in which segmentation fault occurs (the perror is not being called):

job = malloc(sizeof(task_t));
if(job == NULL)

To be more precise, gdb says that the segfault happens inside a __int_malloc call, which is a sub-routine call made by malloc.

Since the malloc function is called in parallel with other threads, initially I thought that it could be the problem. I was using version 2.19 of glibc.

The data structures:

typedef struct rv_thread thread_wrapper_t;

typedef struct future
  pthread_cond_t wait;
  pthread_mutex_t mutex;
  long completed;
} future_t;

typedef struct task
  future_t * f;
  void * data;
  void *
  (*fun)(thread_wrapper_t *, void *);
} task_t;

typedef struct
  queue_t * queue;
} pool_worker_t;

typedef struct
  task_t * t;
} sfuture_t;

struct rv_thread
  pool_worker_t * pool;

Now the future implementation:

future_t *
  future_t * new_f = malloc(sizeof(future_t));
  if(new_f == NULL)
  new_f->completed = 0;
  pthread_mutex_init(&(new_f->mutex), NULL);
  pthread_cond_init(&(new_f->wait), NULL);
  return new_f;

wait_future(future_t * f)
  while (!f->completed)
  return 0;

complete(future_t * f)
  f->completed = 1;

The thread pool itself:

pool_worker_t *
create_work_pool(int threads)
  pool_worker_t * new_p = malloc(sizeof(pool_worker_t));
  if(new_p == NULL)
  threads = 1;
  new_p->queue = create_queue();
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < threads; i++){
    thread_wrapper_t * w = malloc(sizeof(thread_wrapper_t));
    if(w == NULL)
    w->pool = new_p;
    pthread_t n;
    pthread_create(&n, NULL, work, w);
  return new_p;

task_t *
try_get_new_task(thread_wrapper_t * thr)
  task_t * t = NULL;
  try_dequeue(thr->pool->queue, t);
  return t;

submit_job(pool_worker_t * p, task_t * t)
  enqueue(p->queue, t);

void *
work(void * data)
  thread_wrapper_t * thr = (thread_wrapper_t *) data;
  while (1){
    task_t * t = NULL;
    while ((t = (task_t *) try_get_new_task(thr)) == NULL);
    future_t * f = t->f;

And finally the task.c:

pool_worker_t *
  return (create_work_pool(8));

sfuture_t *
async(pool_worker_t * p, thread_wrapper_t * thr, void *
(*fun)(thread_wrapper_t *, void *), void * data)
  task_t * job = NULL;
  job = malloc(sizeof(task_t));
  if(job == NULL)
  job->data = data;
  job->fun = fun;
  job->f = create_future();
  submit_job(p, job);
  sfuture_t * new_t = malloc(sizeof(sfuture_t));
  if(new_t == NULL)
  new_t->t = job;
  return (new_t);

mywait(thread_wrapper_t * thr, sfuture_t * sf)
  if (sf == NULL)
  if (thr != NULL)
      while (!sf->t->f->completed)
          task_t * t_n = try_get_new_task(thr);
          if (t_n != NULL)
          future_t * f = t_n->f;
  return ;

The queue is the lfds lock-free queue.

#define enqueue(q,t) {                                 \
    if(!lfds611_queue_enqueue(q->lq, t))             \
      {                                               \
        lfds611_queue_guaranteed_enqueue(q->lq, t);  \
      }                                               \

#define try_dequeue(q,t) {                            \
    lfds611_queue_dequeue(q->lq, &t);               \

The problem happens whenever the number of calls to async is very high.

Valgrind output:

Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==12022==  Bad permissions for mapped region at address 0x5AF9FF8
==12022==    at 0x4C28737: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/


  • I've figured out what the problem is: a stack overflow.

    First, let me explain why the stack overflow occurs inside malloc (which is probably why you are reading this). When my program was run, the stack size kept increasing each time it started executing (recursively) another task (because of the way I had programmed it). But for each such time, I had to allocate a new task using malloc. However, malloc makes other sub-routine calls, which make the stack increase its size even more than a simple call to execute another task. So, what was happening was that, even if there was no malloc, I would get a stack overflow. However, because I had malloc, the moment the stack overflowed was in malloc, before it overflowed by making another recursive call. The illustration bellow shows what was happening:

    Initial stack state:

    | recursive call n - 3  |
    | recursive call n - 2  |
    | recursive call n - 1  |
    |        garbage        |
    |        garbage        | <- If the stack passes this point, the stack overflows.

    stack during malloc call:

    | recursive call n - 3  |
    | recursive call n - 2  |
    | recursive call n - 1  |
    |        malloc         |
    |     __int_malloc      | <- If the stack passes this point, the stack overflows.

    Then the stack shrank again, and my code entered a new recursive call:

    | recursive call n - 3  |
    | recursive call n - 2  |
    | recursive call n - 1  |
    | recursive call n      |
    |        garbage        | <- If the stack passes this point, the stack overflows.

    Then, it invoked malloc again inside this new recursive call. However, this time it overflowed:

    | recursive call n - 3  |
    | recursive call n - 2  |
    | recursive call n - 1  |
    | recursive call n      |
    |        malloc         | <- If the stack passes this point, the stack overflows.
    |     __int_malloc      | <- This is when the stack overflow occurs.

    [The rest of the answer is more focused around why I had this problem in my code in particular.]

    Usually, when computing Fibonacci recursively, for example, of a certain number n, the stack size grows linearly with that number. However, in this case I'm creating tasks, using a queue to store them, and dequeuing a (fib) task for execution. If you draw this on paper, you'll see that the number of tasks grows exponentially with the n, rather than linearly (also note that if I had used a stack to store the tasks as they were created, the number of tasks allocated as well as the stack size would only grow linearly with n. So what happens is that the stack grows exponentially with n, leading to a stack overflow... Now comes the part why this overflow occurs inside the call to malloc. So basically, as I explained above, the stack overflow happened inside the malloc call because it was where the stack was largest. What happened was that the stack was almost exploding, and since malloc calls functions inside it, the stack grows more than just the calling of mywait and fib.

    Thank you all! If it wasn't your help i wouldn't be able to figure it out!