Assume that v1 = (36.5f, 10.7f, 15.9f), v2 = (29.4f, 10.8f, 19.7f), up = (0f, 1f, 0f).
I tried to use Matrix.LookAtLH and LookAtRH but all reasults are wrong:
Quaternion.RotationMatrix(Matrix.LookAtLH(v1, v2, up)) outputs
w: 0.9 x: 0 y: 0.5 z: 0
Quaternion.RotationMatrix(Matrix.LookAtRH(v1, v2, up)) outputs
w: 0.5 x: 0 y: -0.9 z: 0
But I expect (from Unity3D)
w: 0.9 x: 0 y: -0.5 z: 0
Another example: v1 = (106.5f, 35.7f, 15.9f), v2 = (29.4f, 10.8f, 19.7f), up = (0f, 1f, 0f).
Quaternion.RotationMatrix(Matrix.LookAtLH(v1, v2, up)) outputs
w: 0.7 x: -0.1 y: 0.7 z: -0.1
Quaternion.RotationMatrix(Matrix.LookAtRH(v1, v2, up)) outputs
w: 0.7 x: 0.1 y: -0.7 z: -0.1
But I expect (from Unity3D)
w: 0.7 x: 0.1 y: -0.7 z: 0.1
SlimMath Matrix.cs:
/// <summary>
/// Creates a left-handed, look-at matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eye">The position of the viewer's eye.</param>
/// <param name="target">The camera look-at target.</param>
/// <param name="up">The camera's up vector.</param>
/// <param name="result">When the method completes, contains the created look-at matrix.</param>
public static void LookAtLH(ref SlimVector3 eye, ref SlimVector3 target, ref SlimVector3 up, out SlimMatrix result)
SlimVector3 xaxis, yaxis, zaxis;
SlimVector3.Subtract(ref target, ref eye, out zaxis); zaxis.Normalize();
SlimVector3.Cross(ref up, ref zaxis, out xaxis); xaxis.Normalize();
SlimVector3.Cross(ref zaxis, ref xaxis, out yaxis);
result = SlimMatrix.Identity;
result.M11 = xaxis.X; result.M21 = xaxis.Y; result.M31 = xaxis.Z;
result.M12 = yaxis.X; result.M22 = yaxis.Y; result.M32 = yaxis.Z;
result.M13 = zaxis.X; result.M23 = zaxis.Y; result.M33 = zaxis.Z;
SlimVector3.Dot(ref xaxis, ref eye, out result.M41);
SlimVector3.Dot(ref yaxis, ref eye, out result.M42);
SlimVector3.Dot(ref zaxis, ref eye, out result.M43);
result.M41 = -result.M41;
result.M42 = -result.M42;
result.M43 = -result.M43;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a right-handed, look-at matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eye">The position of the viewer's eye.</param>
/// <param name="target">The camera look-at target.</param>
/// <param name="up">The camera's up vector.</param>
/// <param name="result">When the method completes, contains the created look-at matrix.</param>
public static void LookAtRH(ref SlimVector3 eye, ref SlimVector3 target, ref SlimVector3 up, out SlimMatrix result)
SlimVector3 xaxis, yaxis, zaxis;
SlimVector3.Subtract(ref eye, ref target, out zaxis); zaxis.Normalize();
SlimVector3.Cross(ref up, ref zaxis, out xaxis); xaxis.Normalize();
SlimVector3.Cross(ref zaxis, ref xaxis, out yaxis);
result = SlimMatrix.Identity;
result.M11 = xaxis.X; result.M21 = xaxis.Y; result.M31 = xaxis.Z;
result.M12 = yaxis.X; result.M22 = yaxis.Y; result.M32 = yaxis.Z;
result.M13 = zaxis.X; result.M23 = zaxis.Y; result.M33 = zaxis.Z;
SlimVector3.Dot(ref xaxis, ref eye, out result.M41);
SlimVector3.Dot(ref yaxis, ref eye, out result.M42);
SlimVector3.Dot(ref zaxis, ref eye, out result.M43);
result.M41 = -result.M41;
result.M42 = -result.M42;
result.M43 = -result.M43;
How can I modify it to receive the same results as from Unity3D?
I don't understand why it appears to be inverted. I invert axis values of LookAtLH back and it works now...