I'm writing a small EFI application with gnu-efi, which boots depending on the Wake-Up Type into Ubuntu or Windows.
The application works, but I want to configure the WakeUp Type - Boot Option mapping without recompiling the application.
Is it better to configure the mapping over EFI variables or with a config file on the EFI partition?
I already pursued the way of using a config file, but couldn't find a parser only written in Standard C. I think it would be less effort to use EFI variables, but i don't now if it's as "nice" as an config file.
EDIT: With I wrote Standard C, but a EFI application can't use standard libraries.
So after some thinking I came to the decision, that efi variables are the better way to go for me.
I just need 9 values and I map them from 0 to 9. I created a efi variable with 9 words separated by spaces and just implemented a function which saves the words to an array.
For a greater application I still would recommend using a config file for the ease of use, but writing a parser for just some values would be overkill.
You can look at my test application here: