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Cleaning up after a dynamically assigned, multi-dimensional array

So, I have dynamically assigned memory to a 2D array:

int **paMatrix = new int*[r];

for(int i=0; i<r; i++)
    paMatrix[i] = new int[c];

Assume that my code has already defined r and c. Now I want to free the memory again. If paMatrix was single-indexed, the delete[] paMatrix; would be enough. Is it also enough in this case, or do I have to write

for(int i=0; i<r; i++)
    delete[] paMatrix[i];

delete[] paMatrix;

In case I need to call delete once for each new statement, is there a way to rewrite my code so that I only need a single delete statement?


  • In general, you need to match every new with a delete so if, as here, you're juggling a whole array of raw pointers, you will indeed need to delete each in turn.

    This can be a serious hassle if the code between new and delete isn't straightforward, and almost impossible to ensure if it might throw exceptions. For that reason, you should always use RAII types such as containers and smart pointers to manage dynamic resources. In this case, vector<vector<int>> might be an appropriate choice.

    I guess the real question is "What does delete and delete[] really do behind the scene?"

    If the object type has a non-trivial destructor, it calls that destructor on each object before deallocating the memory. Thus RAII types will automatically release whatever resource they manage through their destructor; but raw pointers don't have destructors, so deleting them will not free any memory that they point to.