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Infix calculator

Im writting a program (this is homework) to create an infix calculator in C using stacks. i came up with the following logic :

  • have two stacks : one for numbers , one for operators.
  • store input as a char string and then scan one char at a time , pushing each element into its proper stack.
  • ignore open parens , on encountering a closed paren : pop two numbers from numstack , and one operator from the opstack , calculate based on the popped values , and return the the answer.

    example : (1+(2*3)) should give 7

    but its not working. im getting garbage as output. this is my output :

    enter string to be evaluated (100 chars max): (1+1)
    string : (1+1)
    Length : 5
     reading : (
     reading : 1  pushing : 1
     reading : +  pushing : 43
     reading : 1  pushing : 1
     reading : )  popping : 1 popping : 1 popping : 431 + 302 = 303
     pushing : 303

    i dont understand why. some help would be great.

    my code :

    #include<conio.h> // i **have to** use turbo c.
    #define LEN 25
    void push(int *stack  , int* top ,int item){
        printf(" pushing : %d ", item);
        stack[*top] = item;
    int pop(int *stack , int* top){
        int temp;
        temp = stack[*top];
        printf(" popping : %d",temp); // this causing a dilemma while popping character operators.
        return temp;
    void calc(int* numstack , int* numtop, int* opstack , int* optop){
        int num1,num2,ans;
        char sign;
        num1 = pop(numstack,numtop);
        num1 = pop(numstack,numtop);
            case '+' : ans = num1 + num2; sign = '+' ; break;
            case '-' : ans = num1 - num2; sign = '-' ; break;
            case '*' : ans = num1 * num2; sign = '*' ; break;
            case '/' : ans = num1 / num2; sign = '/' ; break;
        printf("%d %c %d = %d \n",num1,sign,num2,ans);
        while(getchar()!='\n'){} // cleanup stdin from any junk
    int main(void){
        int optop = 0 , numtop = 0, i=0 , numstack[50] , opstack[30];
        char str[102], c;
        // read and trim input evaluatioon string
        printf("enter string to be evaluated (100 chars max): ");
        fgets(str , 100 , stdin);
        while(str[i]!='\n'){ i++; }
        str[i] = '\0';
        printf("\nstring : %s \nLength : %d",str,i);
        i = 0;
        // evaluate
        while( (c=str[i]) !='\0'){
        printf("\n reading : %c ",str[i]);
        if(c=='('){ i++; continue; } // ignore open parens
        else if(c=='+'||c=='-'||c=='*'||c=='/') push(opstack,&optop,c);
        else if(c>=48 && c <=57) push(numstack,&numtop,(c-48));
        else if(c==')') calc(numstack , &numtop, opstack , &optop);
        else printf("\n%c is invalid..\n",c);
        printf("\nanswer is : %g",pop(numstack,&numtop));
        getch(); // again , *must use* turbo c
        return 0;

  • Solution

  • Here's your problem:

    num1 = pop(numstack,numtop);
    num1 = pop(numstack,numtop);

    You're assigning to num1 both times, the first one should be num2.

    You also need to change the the final answer line to:

    printf("\nanswer is : %d\n",pop(numstack,&numtop));

    %g is for doubles, %d is for ints.