In ReactiveUI 5.2.0 and F# 3.1, the following F# code causes an InvalidOperationException when constructing the object (from a C# WPF app)
The message is "The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized" and it occurs during a read of the property passed into ObservableForProperty
(although the default is to skip the initial value).
type MyVM() as this =
inherit ReactiveObject()
let source : obj = obj()
let ofp =
.Select(fun x -> x.Value)
.ToProperty(this, (fun y -> y.Result), obj()) // Exception when executing this
member this.Result with get() = ofp.Value
member this.Source with get() = source // Exception here "The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized"
Edited to add:
The problem seems to be that the ToProperty
is causing ObservableForProperty
to query the "Source" property on subscribe, and F# has checks that the constructor has completed before properties are queried.
More info:
In ReactiveNotifyPropertyChangedMixin.nestedObservedChanges
, the combination of kicker
and fillInValue
cause the value to be queried before any change is notified via PropertyChanged
From ReactiveUI version 5.4.0, there's a new overload to ObservableForProperty that takes a simple non-chained property to monitor.
If you add to that the following extension method:
let toPropName(query : Expr) =
match query with
| PropertyGet(a, b, list) -> b.Name
| _ -> ""
type ReactiveObjectExtender =
static member ObservableForProperty<'u, 't when 'u :> ReactiveObject>(this: 'u, expr : Expr<'t>, ?beforeChange, ?skipInitial) =
let propertyName = toPropName expr
this.ObservableForProperty<'u, 't>(propertyName, defaultArg beforeChange false, defaultArg skipInitial true)
Then you can observe property changes using the syntax:
this.ObservableForProperty(<@ this.MyProperty @>)