How to get the array of values as arguments. I need get an array of commands of undefined size from the command line. How to get these arguments into an array or queue?
It should be taken to an array.
does not support arrays, it does support strings. See IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 21.6 "Command line input". Parsing a string in SystemVerilog is only a little cumbersome but still very doable, especially when the separator is represented as a single character. Here is a generic string parser using a SystemVerilog queue for recoding the indexes and string method substr
defined in IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 7.10 "Queue" and § 6.16.8 "Substr"
function void parse(output string out [], input byte separator, input string in);
int index [$]; // queue
foreach(in[i]) begin // find commas
if (in[i]==separator) begin
index.push_back(i-1); // index before comma
index.push_back(i+1); // index after comma
index.push_front(0); // first index
index.push_back(in.len()-1); // last index
out = new[index.size()/2];
foreach (out[i]) begin
out[i] = in.substr(index[2*i],index[2*i+1]);
/*$display("cmd[%0d] == in.substr(%0d,%0d) == \"%s\"",
i, index[2*i],index[2*i+1], out[i]); */
endfunction : parse
Then combine it with $value$plusargs
to parse the input:
string cmd[];
string plusarg_string;
if ( $value$plusargs("CMDS=%s",plusarg_string) ) begin
parse(cmd, ",", plusarg_string);
Full working example: