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Add duplicate elements in sparse matrix representation in C

I have a sparse matrix which is represented as: int pattern[2][N]; double val[N]. pattern[0] and pattern[1] store row and column number respectively. val stores the element value. In my case, N is very large like 1 billion. But the problem is lots of 'val' have duplicate 'pattern'. For example

pattern[0][0] = 1; pattern[1][0] = 1; val[0] = 2;
pattern[0][1] = 1; pattern[1][1] = 1; val[1] = 3;
pattern[0][2] = 1; pattern[1][2] = 1; val[0] = 4;

Now I want to add those duplicate elements together to reduce the storage memory. I tried to define a structure which is

struct sparmat{
     int row;
     int col;
     double val;

Then create a structure array and initialize it by those data. After that, I can use qsort to sort this array so that I can add those duplicate elements together quickly. But this process requires more memory since I have to change the data structure first and I don't have so much memory in my server. So does anybody have a clue of how to solve this problem efficiently without large memory requirement? Thank you.


  • As we talked about before...

    There are 4 files below, sm.h, main.c, sm.c and gen.c. The interface is defined in sm.h, main.c shows how to use the interface, sm.c is the implementation, gen.c is a C program that creates a test input file for main.c.

    I'd suggest studying sm.h and main.c carefully. Thanks.

    The interface is defined in sm.h

    #ifndef __SM_H__
    #define __SM_H__
    typedef struct sm_entry_s sm_entry_s;
    typedef struct sm_search_s sm_search_s;
    typedef struct sm_hash_s sm_hash_s;
    // creates a sparse matrix
    sm_hash_s *sparse_matrix_create(int estimate) ;
    // puts a value into the sparse matrix at row,col
    // if an entry exists at row,col, value is added to the entry
    // if an entry does not exist, it creates one and sets it to value
    double sparse_matrix_put(sm_hash_s *sm, unsigned row, unsigned col, double value) ;
    // return the current value at row,col. If no entry, returns 0.0
    double sparse_matrix_get(sm_hash_s *sm, unsigned row, unsigned col) ;
    // frees the memory used by the sparse matrix
    void sparse_matrix_free(sm_hash_s *sm) ;
    // print some stats to stdout
    void sparse_matrix_stat(sm_hash_s *sm) ;
    // dump the matrix to stdout ( ugly )
    void sparse_matrix_dump(sm_hash_s *sm) ;
    // return a pointer for use in sparse_entry ( see below )
    sm_search_s *sparse_matrix_search(sm_hash_s *sm) ;
    // gets the next entry in the sparse matrix search
    // returns 0 when there are no more entries
    int sparse_entry(sm_search_s *p, unsigned *prow, unsigned *pcol, double *pval) ;

    An example of how to use the interface is in main.c:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "sm.h"
    // expects lines of the form %u %u %lf ( row, col, value )
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        unsigned row, col;
        double d;
        sm_hash_s *sm = sparse_matrix_create(32);
        while(scanf("%u %u %lf", &row, &col, &d) == 3) {
            sparse_matrix_put(sm, row, col, d);
        // print some statistics
        // dump the whole ugly thing out
        // sparse_matrix_dump(sm);
        // print a line for each entry
        sm_search_s *s = sparse_matrix_search(sm);
        while(sparse_entry(s, &row, &col, &d)) {
            printf("%u %u %lf\n", row, col, d);
        return 0;

    The implementation is in sm.c

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "sm.h"
    #define public /* nothing */
    // change to 1 for debugging
    #define debug if(0) printf
    struct sm_entry_s {
        sm_entry_s  *next;
        unsigned    row;
        unsigned    col;
        unsigned    index;
        double      value;
    struct sm_hash_s {
        sm_entry_s **buckets;
        unsigned nentry;
        unsigned nbucket;       /* hash table bucket count */
        unsigned tableMask;     /* hash table mask */
        unsigned tableCapacity;     /* hash table capacity */
        unsigned alloced;
        unsigned freeed;
    struct sm_search_s {
        sm_hash_s   *sm;
        int i;
        sm_entry_s  *next;
    static void *sm_alloc(sm_hash_s *sm, unsigned n) {
        void *p = calloc(1, n);
        if(p == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "calloc(%d) failed\n", n);
        if(sm) {
            sm->alloced += n;
        return p;
    static void sm_free(sm_hash_s *sm, void *f, unsigned n) {
        sm->freeed += n;
    /// Round up to next higher power of 2 (return x if it's already a power
    /// of 2).
    static int pow2roundup (int x) {
        assert(sizeof(x) == 4);
        if (x < 0)
            return 0;
        x |= x >> 1;
        x |= x >> 2;
        x |= x >> 4;
        x |= x >> 8;
        x |= x >> 16;
        return x+1;
    static void sm_init(sm_hash_s *sm) {
        sm->buckets = sm_alloc(sm, sm->nbucket * sizeof(*sm->buckets));
        sm->tableMask = sm->nbucket - 1;
        sm->tableCapacity = 14*sm->nbucket/16;
    static unsigned int hash_row(unsigned int x) {
        x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
        x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
        x = ((x >> 16) ^ x);
        return x;
    static unsigned int hash_col(unsigned int x) {
        x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x3335b369;
        x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x3335b369;
        x = ((x >> 16) ^ x);
        return x;
    static unsigned int hash_index(sm_hash_s *p, unsigned row, unsigned col) {
        unsigned h = hash_row(row) ^ hash_col(col);
        //printf("h = %x\n", h);
        return h & p->tableMask;
    static void rehash(sm_hash_s *sm) {
        sm_entry_s **oldtable = sm->buckets;
        int oldsize = sm->nbucket;
        sm_entry_s *ent, *newent;
        sm->nbucket *= 2;
        debug("rehash new size = %u\n", sm->nbucket);
        for(int i=0; i<oldsize; i++) {
            for (ent=oldtable[i]; ent; ent=newent) {
                newent = ent->next;
                ent->next = sm->buckets[ent->index & sm->tableMask];
                sm->buckets[ent->index & sm->tableMask] = ent;
        sm_free(sm, oldtable, oldsize * sizeof(sm_entry_s *));
    public sm_hash_s *sparse_matrix_create(int nbucket) {
        assert(sizeof(unsigned) == 4);
        sm_hash_s *p = (sm_hash_s *)sm_alloc(0, sizeof(*p));
        p->alloced = sizeof(*p);
        p->nbucket = pow2roundup(nbucket);
        return p;
    static sm_entry_s *sm_find(sm_hash_s *sm, unsigned index, unsigned row, unsigned col) {
        for(sm_entry_s *p = sm->buckets[index]; p; p = p->next) {
            if(p->row == row && p->col == col) {
                return p;
        return 0;
    public double sparse_matrix_put(sm_hash_s *sm, unsigned row, unsigned col, double value) {
        unsigned index = hash_index(sm, row, col);
        sm_entry_s *p = sm_find(sm, index, row, col);
        if(p == 0) {
            p = sm_alloc(sm, sizeof(*p));
            p->row = row;
            p->col = col;
            p->value = 0;
            p->index = index;
            p->next = sm->buckets[index];
            sm->buckets[index] = p;
            if(sm->nentry++ > sm->tableCapacity) {
        p->value += value;
        return p->value;
    public double sparse_matrix_get(sm_hash_s *sm, unsigned row, unsigned col) {
        sm_entry_s *p = sm_find(sm, hash_index(sm, row, col), row, col);
        return p ? p->value : 0.0;
    public void sparse_matrix_free(sm_hash_s *sm) {
        sm_entry_s **pp = sm->buckets;
        for(int i = 0; i < sm->nbucket; i++, pp++) {
            while(*pp) {
                sm_entry_s *next = (*pp)->next;
                sm_free(sm, *pp, sizeof(*pp));
                *pp = next;
    public void sparse_matrix_stat(sm_hash_s *sm) {
        unsigned count = 0;
        unsigned max = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < sm->nbucket; i++) {
            int n = 0;
            for(sm_entry_s *p = sm->buckets[i]; p; p = p->next) {
            count += n;
            if(n > max) max = n;
        unsigned avg = count / sm->nbucket;
        printf("%u alloc, %u free, %u in use\n",
            sm->alloced, sm->freeed, sm->alloced - sm->freeed);
        printf("%u buckets, %u entries, %u max, %u avg\n",
            sm->nbucket, count, max, avg);
    public void sparse_matrix_dump(sm_hash_s *sm) {
        for(int i = 0; i < sm->nbucket; i++) {
            sm_entry_s *p = sm->buckets[i];
            if(p) {
                printf("[%u] ", i);
                for( ; p; p = p->next) {
                    printf(" [%u %u %lf]", p->row, p->col, p->value);
                    printf(" %p", p);
    static int search_next(sm_search_s *p, int i) {
        //printf("start %d\n", i);
        for( ; i < p->sm->nbucket; i++) {
            if(p->sm->buckets[i]) {
                p->i = i;
                p->next = p->sm->buckets[i];
                //printf("next is in %d %p\n", i, p->next);
                return 1;
        //printf("no more\n");
        p->next = 0;
        return 0;
    public sm_search_s *sparse_matrix_search(sm_hash_s *sm) {
        sm_search_s *p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
        if(p == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "malloc(%ld) failed\n", sizeof(*p));
        p->sm = sm;
        p->i  = 0;
        p->next = 0;
        search_next(p, 0);
        return p;
    public int sparse_entry(sm_search_s *p, unsigned *prow, unsigned *pcol, double *pval) {
        if(p->next) {
            sm_entry_s *e = p->next;
            *prow = e->row;
            *pcol = e->col;
            *pval = e->value;
            if(e->next) {
                p->next = e->next;
            } else {
                search_next(p, p->i + 1);
            return 1;
        return 0;


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    unsigned get_rand(unsigned min, unsigned max) {
        unsigned u = min + (random() % (int)(max - min + 1));
        assert(u >= min);
        assert(u <= max);
        return u;
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        if(argc != 3 || !isdigit(*argv[1])  || !isdigit(*argv[2])) {
            fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %%u %%u\n", argv[0]);
        unsigned long N = strtoul(argv[1], 0, 0);
        unsigned long C = strtoul(argv[2], 0, 0);
        for(int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
            unsigned long row = get_rand(0, N-1);
            unsigned long col = get_rand(0, N-1);
            printf("%lu %lu 1.0\n", row, col);
        return 0;