OK, so yesterday I tried to actually use Happstack for real.
OK, so my actual question. I've got this so far:
data LambdaURL =
URL_Input |
instance PathInfo LambdaURL where
toPathSegments url =
case url of
URL_CSS -> ["Main.css"]
URL_Input -> ["Input.html"]
URL_Output -> ["Output.html"]
fromPathSegments =
(segment "Main.css" >> return URL_CSS ) <|>
(segment "Input.html" >> return URL_Input ) <|>
(segment "Output.html" >> return URL_Output)
route :: LambdaURL -> RouteT LambdaURL (ServerPartT IO) Response
route url =
case url of
URL_CSS -> serveFile (asContentType "text/css") "Main.css"
URL_Input -> ok $ toResponse $ page_Input
URL_Output -> ok $ toResponse $ page_Output
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ implSite "www.example.com" "" (setDefault URL_Input $ mkSitePI (runRouteT route))
page_Input :: H.Html
page_Output :: H.Html
So that's the tutorial on web-routes. Now I go read the tutorial on forms, and I realise that in order to access form data, you need to be in the ServerPart
monad, not the Html
monad. So I end up doing something like
generate_page_Output :: ServerPart Response
generate_page_Output = do
decodeBody (defaultBodyPolicy "." 0 65536 65536)
expr <- look "expr"
ok $ toResponse $ page_Output expr
page_Output :: String -> H.Html
Now I go modify the route
function to call generate_page_Output
rather than page_Output
. Presumably like this:
URL_Output -> generate_page_Output
Well, what do you know? That doesn't type-check. route
lives in the RouteT
monad, while I'm trying to do stuff in the ServerPart
monad. Eventually I find liftRouteT :: m a -> RouteT url m a
. Seems likely, eh? So if I change the line to
URL_Output -> liftRouteT generate_page_Output
now it compiles. The fun thing is... now the output page URL is HTTP 404. At this point I have absolutely no idea why. I just haven't found the correct function call yet.
Does anybody have a clue how to fix this?
I realise that in order to access form data, you need to be in the ServerPart monad
That is not quite right. In order to access the form data you need to be in any monad which is an instance of HasRqData
. ServerPart
is the base monad that provides that functionality, but the monad transformers like RouteT
also have HasRqData
instances which do the lifting automatically.
So, your original generate_page_Output function works if you give it the same return type as route
generate_page_Output :: RouteT LambdaURL (ServerPartT IO) Response
generate_page_Output = do
decodeBody (defaultBodyPolicy "." 0 65536 65536)
expr <- look "expr"
ok $ toResponse $ page_Output expr
No lifeRouteT
The output page is probably 404 because you did not supply an expr
value for look
to find, so it fails. If you want the expr
to be optional then you should do:
expr <- optional $ look "expr"
which will make expr
a Maybe
value. optional
comes from Control.Applicative
Here is a working version:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Happstack.Server
import Happstack.Server
import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Web.Routes
import Web.Routes.Happstack
data LambdaURL =
URL_Input |
instance PathInfo LambdaURL where
toPathSegments url =
case url of
URL_CSS -> ["Main.css"]
URL_Input -> ["Input.html"]
URL_Output -> ["Output.html"]
fromPathSegments =
(segment "Main.css" >> return URL_CSS ) <|>
(segment "Input.html" >> return URL_Input ) <|>
(segment "Output.html" >> return URL_Output)
route :: LambdaURL -> RouteT LambdaURL (ServerPartT IO) Response
route url =
case url of
URL_CSS -> serveFile (asContentType "text/css") "Main.css"
URL_Input -> ok $ toResponse $ page_Input
URL_Output -> generate_page_Output
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ implSite "www.example.com" "" (setDefault URL_Input $ mkSitePI (runRouteT route))
page_Input :: H.Html
page_Input =
H.html $ do
H.head $ do
H.title "input"
H.body $ do
H.p $ H.a ! A.href "Output.html?expr=foo" $ "output"
page_Output :: String -> H.Html
page_Output expr =
H.html $ do
H.head $ do
H.title "output"
H.body $ do
H.p $ do "expr is: "
H.toHtml expr
generate_page_Output :: RouteT LambdaURL (ServerPartT IO) Response
generate_page_Output = do
decodeBody (defaultBodyPolicy "." 0 65536 65536)
expr <- look "expr"
ok $ toResponse $ page_Output expr