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Formatting errors when using certain code

I am using some code to centre some given text, then parse the new string back to Lua so it can send the new message to the destination (the game console of a player, or players). When I use this code, I always get formatting errors of weird characters appearing on the right side of the console. I have been told that this is a string memory error but the person that told me this doesn't know how to fix this.

The string is cleared before we put the new message into it. I have tried with and without the console colour symbols (a $ followed by an integer of 0-9), and the same problem persists. With normal non-centred console messages, I do not get this problem. See the image for an example. The problem: Look at the weird 'Xc' symbols


int CScriptBind_GameRules::CentreTextForConsole(IFunctionHandler *pH, const char *msg)
    if (msg)
        const int linelength=113;
        char newmsg[linelength+1];
        for(int i=0;i<linelength;i++)
        for(int i=0;i<linelength;i++)
            newmsg[i]=' ';
        int msglen=strlen(msg);
        int startpos=linelength/2-msglen/2;
        for(int i=msglen-1;i>=0;i--)
        return pH->EndFunction(newmsg); 
        CryLog("[System] Error in CScriptBind_GameRules::CentreTextForConsole: Failed to align");
        return pH->EndFunction();
    return pH->EndFunction();

To Send:

CMCCPlayer(player, "================================================================================================================");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4####     ###      ###     ######     ####");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4##        ###    ###     ##    ##      ##");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4##         ### ###       ##            ##");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4## ###      #####         ######   ### ##");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4##         ### ###             ##      ##");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4##        ###   ###     ##     ##      ## ");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4####     ###     ###     ######      ####");
CMCCPlayer(player, "================================================================================================================");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4Your Name: "..player:GetName());
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4Your Country: "..Omega.GetCountry(player));
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4Your Domain:";
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4Your Profile ID: "..ProfId(player));
if not player.exp then player.exp = 0 end
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4Your EXP: "..player.exp);
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4");
CMCCPlayer(player, "$4o0o");

And the function:

function CMCCPlayer(player, msg),;


  • My impression is that you do not end your strings properly, so you exhaust your console width, which displays some "too long" indicating characters.

    Try a

     newmsg[linelength] = 0;

    before the line with the msglen initialization, if you want to fill the full 113 characters line, otherwise add the zero at

     startpos + msglen 

    Drop the funny loop which zeroes everything in the message area, as this is rewritten with space characters anyway. Use rather


    to minimize truncation errors.