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C++11 Shared Ptr, share the same reference counter

Is it possible to have 2 different objects that share same reference counter?

Says I have

shared_ptr<Foo> myFoo;
shared_ptr<Bar> myBar;

I want both objects alive until there is one reference to Foo or to Bar (so maybe no one is referencing Bar, but since Foo is referenced both will not be deleted).


  • OK perfect I found the answer:

    The aliasing constructor! (code taken from the link)

    struct data {...};
    struct object
      data data_;
    void f ()
      shared_ptr<object> o (new object); // use_count == 1
      shared_ptr<data> d (o, &o->data_); // use_count == 2
      o.reset (); // use_count == 1
      // When d goes out of scope, object is deleted.