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Display message in windows dialogue box using "cout" - C++

Can a windows message box be display using the cout syntax?

I also need the command prompt window to be suppressed / hidden.

There are ways to call the messagebox function and display text through its usage, but the main constraint here is that cout syntax must be used.

cout <<  "message";

I was thinking of invoking the VB msgbox command in the cout output, but couldn't find anything that worked.

Any ideas?


  • First thing you should take into account is that MessageBox stops the thread until you close the window. If that is the behavior you desire, go ahead.

    You can create a custom streambuf and set it to std::cout:

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <iostream>
    namespace {
        class mb_streambuf : public std::stringbuf {
            virtual ~mb_streambuf() { if (str().size() > 0) sync(); }
            virtual int sync() {
                MessageBoxA(0, str().c_str(), "", MB_OK);
                return 0;
        } mb_buf;
        struct static_initializer {
            static_initializer() { 
        } cout_buffer_switch;
    int main()
        std::cout << "Hello \nworld!"; // Will show a popup

    A popup will be shown whenever std::cout stream is flushed.