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tabout in Stata

I am trying to use the tabout command in Stata to produce a table showing summary statistics of the age variable. What I want is something similar to summarize age, detail output but to produce output similar to MS Word format.

tabout age using table111.txt, c(skewness age kurtosis age mean age median age sd age) f(0c) sum h3(nil) npos(both)

does not produce the results I want.

Any suggestions on how the code should be adjusted? Also what if I want to include a second variable in the table and the summary statistics of same?


  • You can do something like that with the estout package. There you would type:

    estpost summarize age, detail
    esttab . using table111, cells("skewness kurtosis mean p50 sd") noobs rtf

    You can read more here:

    If you want to include a second variable, say hours, to that table, you just type:

    estpost summarize age hours, detail
    esttab . using table111, cells("skewness kurtosis mean p50 sd") noobs rtf