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how to convert longitude and altitude to a grid with equal(nearly) area on the Earth sphere in Matlab or C/C++?

The range of longitude and latitude of Earth sphere are [-180, 180] and [-90, 90] respectively. I want to get equal area grids by 0.5 deg * 0.5 deg (area around the equator). As the distortion increased when approaching the polar points. The grid should have the same latitude range but different longitude range.

How should I do?


  • First, what you ask got, if interpreted literally, is impossible for three reasons. One, the area of the surface of a perfect sphere is about 82506.97413 times the area of a portion 30' (thirty seconds, or half a degree) by 30' at the equator. Since that is not an integer, you cannot partition the surface into a whole number of regions of that size. Two, if you constrain the latitude span to be equal, then the rings at different latitudes must have different numbers of segments, so you cannot make a grid. The edges of segments in different rings cannot coincide. Three, the Earth is not a perfect sphere, and regions of equal area on a sphere will not map to equal areas on the Earth. Imperfections in the Earth would prevent us from knowing the area of each region (and those areas would change as the surface changes).

    Supposing that what you actually want is an approximate solution that is not a grid, I suggest you examine the Google search results for “partition sphere into equal areas“. One of the top results is this paper, in which Figure 1.1 appears to show a sphere that has been partitioned into regions of similar, possibly equal, latitude span but different longitude spans. Another result is this page, which is a Matlab package for exploring sphere partitioning.