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Can we say bye to copy constructors?

Copy constructors were traditionally ubiquitous in C++ programs. However, I'm doubting whether there's a good reason to that since C++11.

Even when the program logic didn't need copying objects, copy constructors (usu. default) were often included for the sole purpose of object reallocation. Without a copy constructor, you couldn't store objects in a std::vector or even return an object from a function.

However, since C++11, move constructors have been responsible for object reallocation.

Another use case for copy constructors was, simply, making clones of objects. However, I'm quite convinced that a .copy() or .clone() method is better suited for that role than a copy constructor because...

  1. Copying objects isn't really commonplace. Certainly it's sometimes necessary for an object's interface to contain a "make a duplicate of yourself" method, but only sometimes. And when it is the case, explicit is better than implicit.

  2. Sometimes an object could expose several different .copy()-like methods, because in different contexts the copy might need to be created differently (e.g. shallower or deeper).

  3. In some contexts, we'd want the .copy() methods to do non-trivial things related to program logic (increment some counter, or perhaps generate a new unique name for the copy). I wouldn't accept any code that has non-obvious logic in a copy constructor.

  4. Last but not least, a .copy() method can be virtual if needed, allowing to solve the problem of slicing.

The only cases where I'd actually want to use a copy constructor are:

  • RAII handles of copiable resources (quite obviously)
  • Structures that are intended to be used like built-in types, like math vectors or matrices -
    simply because they are copied often and vec3 b = a.copy() is too verbose.

Side note: I've considered the fact that copy constructor is needed for CAS, but CAS is needed for operator=(const T&) which I consider redundant basing on the exact same reasoning;
.copy() + operator=(T&&) = default would be preferred if you really need this.)

For me, that's quite enough incentive to use T(const T&) = delete everywhere by default and provide a .copy() method when needed. (Perhaps also a private T(const T&) = default just to be able to write copy() or virtual copy() without boilerplate.)

Q: Is the above reasoning correct or am I missing any good reasons why logic objects actually need or somehow benefit from copy constructors?

Specifically, am I correct in that move constructors took over the responsibility of object reallocation in C++11 completely? I'm using "reallocation" informally for all the situations when an object needs to be moved someplace else in the memory without altering its state.


  • Short anwer

    Is the above reasoning correct or am I missing any good reasons why logic objects actually need or somehow benefit from copy constructors?

    Automatically generated copy constructors are a great benefit in separating resource management from program logic; classes implementing logic do not need to worry about allocating, freeing or copying resources at all.

    In my opinion, any replacement would need to do the same, and doing that for named functions feels a bit weird.

    Long answer

    When considering copy semantics, it's useful to divide types into four categories:

    • Primitive types, with semantics defined by the language;
    • Resource management (or RAII) types, with special requirements;
    • Aggregate types, which simply copy each member;
    • Polymorphic types.

    Primitive types are what they are, so they are beyond the scope of the question; I'm assuming that a radical change to the language, breaking decades of legacy code, won't happen. Polymorphic types can't be copied (while maintaining the dynamic type) without user-defined virtual functions or RTTI shenanigans, so they are also beyond the scope of the question.

    So the proposal is: mandate that RAII and aggregate types implement a named function, rather than a copy constructor, if they should be copied.

    This makes little difference to RAII types; they just need to declare a differently-named copy function, and users just need to be slightly more verbose.

    However, in the current world, aggregate types do not need to declare an explicit copy constructor at all; one will be generated automatically to copy all the members, or deleted if any are uncopyable. This ensures that, as long as all the member types are correctly copyable, so is the aggregate.

    In your world, there are two possibilities:

    • Either the language knows about your copy-function, and can automatically generate one (perhaps only if explicitly requested, i.e. T copy() = default;, since you want explicitness). In my opinion, automatically generating named functions based on the same named function in other types feels more like magic than the current scheme of generating "language elements" (constructors and operator overloads), but perhaps that's just my prejudice speaking.
    • Or it's left to the user to correctly implement copying semantics for aggregates. This is error-prone (since you could add a member and forget to update the function), and breaks the current clean separation between resource management and program logic.

    And to address the points you make in favour:

    1. Copying (non-polymorphic) objects is commonplace, although as you say it's less common now that they can be moved when possible. It's just your opinion that "explicit is better" or that T a(b); is less explicit than T a(b.copy());
    2. Agreed, if an object doesn't have clearly defined copy semantics, then it should have named functions to cover whatever options it offers. I don't see how that affects how normal objects should be copied.
    3. I've no idea why you think that a copy constructor shouldn't be allowed to do things that a named function could, as long as they are part of the defined copy semantics. You argue that copy constructors shouldn't be used because of artificial restrictions that you place on them yourself.
    4. Copying polymorphic objects is an entirely different kettle of fish. Forcing all types to use named functions just because polymorphic ones must won't give the consistency you seem to be arguing for, since the return types would have to be different. Polymorphic copies will need to be dynamically allocated and returned by pointer; non-polymorphic copies should be returned by value. In my opinion, there is little value in making these different operations look similar without being interchangable.