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object inheritance virtual function run fail error

Shape *shape[100];//global scope
Square sqr;//global scope

void inputdata() {
int len,width;
cout << "enter length";
cin >> len;
cout << "enter width";
cin >> width;

Square sqr(len,width);
shape[0] = &sqr;
//----> if shape[0]->computeArea(); here works fine.

void computeArea() {
shape[0]->computeArea(); // --> run fail error

Shape is the parent class and square is the sub-class. both have computeArea();

when the code reach computeArea() i am having a weird run fail error. the program just terminate without giving me any errors for me to find and fix just show run fail and stop the program.

the program is able to run properly and show ->computeArea() if the code is within the inputdata() but when i separate it, it just fail to run properly. any solution to this?


  • This Square

    Square sqr(len,width);

    is an instance which is local to the scope of inputdata. Once you leave that scope, you are left with a dangling pointer in shape[0]. If you want to set the global sqr, you need

    sqr = Square(len,width);

    You should find a solution that doesn't rely on global variables though.