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Cloning object in C++ with exactly duplication (data set after construction)

Is there a fast way to to make an exact replica of an exisitng object in C++?

For example I have a default constructor that left most variables uninitialized and those variables are to be set later in the process. Then I want to make a exact copy of that object with all the data already initialized.

I heard there is a copy constructor in c++ but I'm not sure how to use it nor do I know if it fits my situation. Is there a convenient way of doing this other than copying all data manually?

EDIT: I have lots of user-defined type in this object (graphs, etc complicated stuff)


  • If your members are POD types, or themselves are copyable, then the compiler will generate a default copy constructor.

    class Foo
       Foo(int x, int y, int z, const std::string& name)
          : x_(x), y_(y), z_(z), name_(name)
       int x_, y_, z_;
       std::string name_;

    This example class is copyable using the default copy constructor. The following are all correct:

    Foo a(1, 2, 3, "four");
    // copy construct b from a, using the compiler provided default copy constructor
    Foo b(a);
    Foo c(5, 6, 7, "eight");
    // copy c from b, c's current values are "lost"    
    c = b;

    If you have a class that contains user defined types that do not perform as expected with a shallow copy, then you will need to write your own copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor. This is why most experienced C++ developers will stay away from raw pointers (and other similar concepts) whenever possible.

    class BadFoo
       BadFoo() : x_(new int(5))
       // ... You need to manage the memory of x_ on your own
       // This means following the rule of 3 (C++03) or 5 (C++11)
       int* x_;

    See: Rule of Three